Donderdag 26 Junie 2014

chocolate and raspberry tartlets

125 g / 4 0.5 oz butter
90 g / 3 oz caster sugar
1 egg
250g /9 oz plain flour, plus extra for dusting
4 tsp cocoa powder
water,if needed
250g /9 oz raspberries
1 tbsp caster sugar
500 ml / 18 fl oz water
2 heaped tsp powdered  gelatine
30 raspberries
400 g / 14 oz plain chocolate, broken
8 tbsp cream,48% fat
60 g / 2 oz butter, diced
basil leaves.

1: Beat the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl until light. Beat in the egg until smooth
2: Sift in the flour and cocoa and mix to soft dough. If is to dry add a little  water. Knead lightly on a floured surface,then wrap in cling film and chill for 30 minutes .
3: For the jellies: put the raspberries  sugar and 200 ml /7 fl oz water in pan. heat  gently and simmer for 10-15 minutes until the fruit breaks down. Press through a sieve and return to the pan. Add the remaining water, bring to a simmer and add gelatine stir to dissolve over a low heat for 1-2 minutes but do not boil. Remove from the heat.
4: Lightly oil 10 small moulds the same size as the tart tins. Pour in most of the jelly , put 3 raspberries on top of each and pour over a little jelly. Chill for 2 hours
5: Heat  the oven to 190 (170 fan) . Lightly grease 10x 8 cm /3 loose based tart ins
6: roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface  and line the tins. Chill for 20 minutes
7:bake the pastry shells for about 12 minutes until firm. Cool in the tins
8: For the filling: put the chocolate, cream and butter in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering (not boiling)  water until melted. Stir and spoon into the pastry cases. Leave to set, and then remove from the tins.
9: Remove the jellies from the moulds and place on top of the tarts. Decorate with basil leaves

Maandag 16 Junie 2014

layered chocolate cake with raspbeeries for 1 cake

Ingrediens for the cake
175g/6 oz butter
 75g/20.5oz plin chocolate,70%cocoa solids
300g/11 oz plain flour
375g/13 oz caster sugar
25 g / 1 oz cocoa powder
1 pinch shalt
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 eggs
200ml/7fl oz butter milk
100ml/3o.5 fl oz very hot water
350ml / 12 fl oz cream,48% fat
70o g  / 25 oz plain chocolate
70%cocoa solids,broken
100 g / 3 0.5 oz raspberry

1 for the cake heat the oven ton 180''F (160'F fan) grease 3x 20 cm /8"cake tins and line the baeses with non-stick baking paper.
2 Put the butter and chocolate into a small pan and heat gently, stirring util melted
3 Sift together the flour,sugar,cocoa, salt and bicarbonate of soda in a mixing bowl
4 whisk together the eggs and buttermilk.
5 Stir the melted Chocolate mixture and egg mixture into the dry ingredients, then whisk in the hot water until smooth.
6 Divide the mixture between the tins and bake for 25 minutes until cooked through.A skewer  or cocktail stick inserted into the Centers should come out clear. cool in the tins for  15 minutes then place on a wire rack to cool completely.
7 Heat the cream in a pan just to al boil. Remove from the heat and pour over the chocolate. stir until melted leave cool and thiken for 30-40 minutes.
8 invert i cake onto a plate and spread with half the jam spread 0.6 of the chocolate filling over the top place another cake on top and spead with the remaining jam and another third of the filling.
9 place the remaining cake on top and spread with the remaining chocolate mixture. decorate wit raspberries

Dinsdag 03 Junie 2014

Sjokolade-en brandewyntert

1 groot tert
187 ml (¾ k) kookwater
75 ml (5 e) kakao
4 ekstragroot eiers, geskei
250 ml (1 k) strooisuiker
187 ml (¾ k) olie
60 ml (4 e) melk
5 ml (1 t) vanieljegeursel
500 ml (2 k) koekmeel
15 ml (1 e) bakpoeier
2,5 ml (½ t) kremetart
knypie fyn kaneel
1 ml sout
100 g (1 pakkie) pekanneute, gekap
380 g (1 blik) laevet-ingedampte melk
250 ml (1 k) sagte bruinsuiker
60 ml (4 e) brandewyn
385 g (1 blik) karamelkondensmelk
100 g (1 plak) donkersjokolade, gesmelt
125 ml ((½ k) room
Flake-sjokolade (opsioneel)
Wenk: Hierdie tert smaak net so lekker as ‘n nagereg. Sit dit louwarm voor.
Stel oond op 180°C.
1. TERT: Meng water en kakao. Hou eenkant.
2. Klits eiergele en strooisuiker tot liggeel.
3. Roer olie, melk en vanieljegeursel by eiergeelmengsel.
4. Sif koekmeel, bakpoeier, kremetart, kaneel en sout.
5. Meng meelmengsel en kakaomengsel beurtelings by eiermengsel tot gemeng.
6. Klits eierwitte tot stywepuntstadium en vou by beslag in. Vou pekanneute in.
7. Skep beslag in groot reghoekige oondbak van 26 cm x 36 cm groot.
8. Bak vir 25 tot 30 minute of tot toetspen skoon uitkom.
9. STROOP: Begin solank met stroop sodra tert in oond gesit word.
10. Verhit ingedampte melk en bruinsuiker in kastrol tot kookpunt terwyl af en toe geroer word.
11. Draai hitte laer en laat oor matige hitte kook tot suiker opgelos is. Roer af en toe.
12. Laat sous vir 5 minute oor lae hitte kook. Roer brandewyn by en verwyder van hitte.
13. Gooi warm stroop bo-oor tert sodra dit uit oond kom.
14. BOLAAG: Roer karamelkondensmelk tot glad.
15. Voeg sjokolade by en meng goed.
16. Klits room styf en roer by sjokolademengsel.
17. Skep versiersel bo-oor tert wanneer dit amper heeltemal afgekoel is.
18. Sprinkel Flake-sjokolade bo-oor
Doodmaklike, doodeet-lekker koekies van Marlise Booyens
1kg botter (of goeie kwaliteit bak-margarien)
1kg meel
500g versiersuiker
Voorverhit die oond tot 180°C.
Room botter en versiersuiker tot baie lig met elektriese klitser of voedselverwerker – dit moet amper soos styfgeklitste room lyk. Roer die meel by. Rol uit (die deeg het ‘n lekker tekstuur, soos klei – kinders kan maklik daarmee werk). Druk vormpies van eie keuse uit. Bak vir 10-15 minute.
Dit maak vreeslik baie koekies!