Sondag 07 Februarie 2016


LEWER 1 DRIELAAG-KOEK (verdubbel die beslag vir 5-6 lae)
Bereidings: 50 min.
Bak :30-40 min.
Basiese vanieljekoek
375 g (2 1/2) Koekmeel gesif
7 ml (1 1/2 t) bakpoeier
385 g (1 3/4 k) strooisuiker
250g botter gesmelt
4 eiers
375 ml (1 1/2 k) melk
5 ml (1t) vanieljegeursel
5 ml (1t) pienk jelkoskleursel
1 Hoeveelhied botter  en  versiersel (bedek met botterversiersel.
4 eierswitte
250 ml (1k) strooisuiker
Verhit die oond tot 160c smeer drie 18 cm koekpanne voer met die bak papier
!. Koek Plaas al die bestandele en die peink kleursel  in 'n mengbak meng goed verdeel in 3 koekpanne en bak 30 - 40min of tot 'n toetspen skoon uit kom laat5 min afkoel  in die panne  keer op 'n draadrak uit en laat af koel.
2. Versiersel Berei die botterversiersel soos beskryf (Klits 250 g Gesifte versiersuiker en 80 g ongesoute botter of wit margarien saam in 'n menger of met 'n elektriesee handklitser teen matige spoed tot goed gemeng)
3. Plaas 'n kastrol half vol kookwater op 'n stoofplaat en laat prut.
4. Plaas die eierwitte en strooisuiker in 'n hittebestande bak wat oor die kastrol sal pas plaas op die kastrol maak seker die onderkant van die  bak raak nie aan die water nie en klits sowat 3-3 1/2 min of tot die suiker heeltemal opgelos is Vryf tuisen jou vinningers.
5. Klits met 'n elektriese handmenger tot blink begin stadig en vermeerde spoed stelselmatig klits so wat 10 min
6. Plak die koeklae op mekaar met die botterversiersel bo op en rondom plaas die meringueversiersel in 'n spuit sak met 'n plat punt en spuit riffels  om die koek


Bereidings:20 min
Bak:20 min
60 g ongesoute botter by kamertempratuur
150g strooisuiker
1 eier
5 mil (1t) kalao
20 ml (4t) rooi voedselkleursel
2 ml (1/2t) vanieljegeursel
20 ml ( 1/2k) karringmelk
150g koekmeel
2 ml (1/2t)koeksoda
7 ml (1/2 t) witasyn

250 g roomkaas
250 g sagte botter
500 ml (2k) versiersiuker

1/2 hoeveeelheid botterversiersel
 vars rooi rose
Verhit die oond tot 170C smeer twee 20 cm koekpanne en voer die bodem met bakpapier

1. Koek klits die botter en strooisuiker saam tot lig en donsig.
2.Voeg die  eiers by en klits teen 'n hoe spoed in.
3 Meng die kakao,voedsel en  vanieljegeursel om'n dik pasta te maak. Voeg by die bottermengsel en klits baie goed tot alles ingemeng is.
4. Voeg die helfte van die karringmelk by en klits goed: voeg die helfte van die meel by en klits goed. Herhaal tot al die karringmelk en meel in is.
5.Voeg die koeksoda en asyn by en klits teen 'n stadig spoed tot ingemeng. klits dan 'n  paar minute teen hoe spoed.
6. Skep in die bereide panne en bak so wat 20 min. tot 'n toetspen skoon uit kom. keer op 'n draad rak uit  om af te koel.
7. Roomkaasversiersel Klits die roomkaas en botter tot lig en romerig. Voeg die versiersuiker by en klits tot gemeng.
8.Afronding.Halveer die koeklae. plak dit op mekaar vas met 'n smeersel roomkaas  versiersel.
9. Smeer die botter en versiersel liggies bo op en rondom. Skraap gelyk en rond af met 'n bondel vars rooi rose

Woensdag 03 Februarie 2016

Chocolate Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream Cake

Serves 8-10

Chocolate Biscuits
100g butter, softened
50g Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar
100g self-raising flour
25g cocoa powder

Mint No-Churn Ice Cream

1 x 400g tin condensed milk (Make your own with my recipe here - I made mine using the Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar) 
Handful fresh mint leaves* (about 12g)
500ml cream, whipped
50g chopped peppermint crisp bar

Ice Cap Chocolate Sauce
1 cup good-quality dark chocolate, chopped
3 tbsp coconut oil (use unflavored if you like)

Frosted Mint Leaves
Handful fresh mint leaves
1 egg white, beaten
1/2 cup Natura Golden Caster Sugar

Chopped peppermint crisp, to decorate

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celcius conventional (or 160 degrees celcius for fan-forced). Line a cookie sheet with baking paper. 
Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.  Mix in the rest of the ingredients to form a soft dough then shape into a log on a lightly floured surface, wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 
Once chilled, cut the dough into 1/4cm thick discs and place on the lined baking tray, leaving enough space for the cookies to spread. 
Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cookies are cooked through but still soft. 
Allow to cool completely. 

For the ice cream, place the condensed milk in a blender and add the mint leaves. Blend until smooth. Pour into the whipped cream and fold through gently. Lastly, fold in the chopped peppermint crisp.

Prepare 20cm springform cake tin by lining the outside with cling wrap.
To assemble the ice cream cake, arrange a layer of the biscuits in the bottom of the cake tin then pour 1/2 the ice cream mix over the top, add another layer of cookies, the rest of the ice cream and finish with a final layer of cookies then place in the freezer until firm. Pour any leftover ice cream in a seperate container and freeze until firm. 

To make the frosted mint leaves, brush the leaves with a thin layer of egg white then toss in the caster sugar. Place on a cooling rack and allow to dry for 3-4 hours.  

Unmould the ice cream cake by dipping briefly in room temperature tap water then loosening the bottom. Place on a cake stand then top with scoops of the leftover ice cream, drizzle with the chocolate sauce and decorate with chopped peppermint crisp and the frosted mint leaves. 

*Tip: To get a bright green colour, blanch the mint leaves in hot water briefly then refresh in ice water and drain well. 

Chocolate Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream Cake

Serves 8-10

Chocolate Biscuits
100g butter, softened
50g Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar
100g self-raising flour
25g cocoa powder

Mint No-Churn Ice Cream

1 x 400g tin condensed milk (Make your own with my recipe here - I made mine using the Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar) 
Handful fresh mint leaves* (about 12g)
500ml cream, whipped
50g chopped peppermint crisp bar

Ice Cap Chocolate Sauce
1 cup good-quality dark chocolate, chopped
3 tbsp coconut oil (use unflavored if you like)

Frosted Mint Leaves
Handful fresh mint leaves
1 egg white, beaten
1/2 cup Natura Golden Caster Sugar

Chopped peppermint crisp, to decorate

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celcius conventional (or 160 degrees celcius for fan-forced). Line a cookie sheet with baking paper. 
Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.  Mix in the rest of the ingredients to form a soft dough then shape into a log on a lightly floured surface, wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 
Once chilled, cut the dough into 1/4cm thick discs and place on the lined baking tray, leaving enough space for the cookies to spread. 
Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cookies are cooked through but still soft. 
Allow to cool completely. 

For the ice cream, place the condensed milk in a blender and add the mint leaves. Blend until smooth. Pour into the whipped cream and fold through gently. Lastly, fold in the chopped peppermint crisp.

Prepare 20cm springform cake tin by lining the outside with cling wrap.
To assemble the ice cream cake, arrange a layer of the biscuits in the bottom of the cake tin then pour 1/2 the ice cream mix over the top, add another layer of cookies, the rest of the ice cream and finish with a final layer of cookies then place in the freezer until firm. Pour any leftover ice cream in a seperate container and freeze until firm. 

To make the frosted mint leaves, brush the leaves with a thin layer of egg white then toss in the caster sugar. Place on a cooling rack and allow to dry for 3-4 hours.  

Unmould the ice cream cake by dipping briefly in room temperature tap water then loosening the bottom. Place on a cake stand then top with scoops of the leftover ice cream, drizzle with the chocolate sauce and decorate with chopped peppermint crisp and the frosted mint leaves. 

*Tip: To get a bright green colour, blanch the mint leaves in hot water briefly then refresh in ice water and drain well.