Dinsdag 03 November 2015

Homemade Crunchie Bars

Makes 8

50ml water
140g glucose (available from pharmacies or baking shops)
60g honey
10g bicarbonate of soda
500g dark chocolate, melted (for coating)

Grease and line a 20cm-square baking tin with non-stick baking paper.
In a medium pot, over low heat, combine the water, sugars, glucose and honey until completely dissolved. Turn the heat up and simmer until the syrup reaches 144°C*
Remove from the heat and, working quickly, add the bicarbonate of soda all at once. Whisk until the honeycomb foams up then immediately pour it into the prepared baking tin.
Allow to cool on a wire rack.
Once completely cold, use a sharp serrated knife to cut the honeycomb into bars.
Dip the bars in the chocolate (you can also use a pastry brush to paint the chocolate on) and allow to set on a sheet of baking paper.
It is very important to store honeycomb in an air-tight container to avoid it becoming sticky. If you have silica gel sachets saved from shoes or handbags, place one of them in the bottom of the container to help absorb humidity.

*if you don’t have a sugar thermometer, simply drop the syrup into a small cup of tap water. It is ready when it forms a hard ball almost immediately.

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