Woensdag 04 November 2015

Swedish Waffle Rosettes

Makes 30

1 cup (250ml) cake flour
pinch of salt
2 tsp (10ml) castor sugar
2 large eggs
1 cup (250ml) milk
1 tsp (5ml) vanilla extract

Vegetable oil, for deep-frying
Golden Syrup, for serving
Icing sugar, for dusting

Combine the flour, salt and sugar together in a medium-sized bowl. 
Whisk the eggs, milk and vanilla together separately then slowly whisk into the dry ingredients. 
Heat the oil in a deep-fryer or pot until 180 degrees Celcius. 
Using a Swedish waffle iron, dip the iron into the hot oil first, then into the batter. Remove the iron from the batter then dip in a second time before placing into the hot oil. Allow the waffle to cook in the oil until it starts turning golden, then push it off the iron using a skewer or chopstick. Fry until golden brown, then drain on paper towel. Repeat with the remaining batter. 
Serve warm with dustings of icing sugar and pools of golden syrup. 

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