Dinsdag 03 November 2015

My Family Milk Tart

Makes 1 large tart or 24 small tartlets

No-fuss pastry
110g butter, softened
2 tbsp (30ml) castor sugar
2 tbsp (30ml) vegetable oil
1 egg
2 cups (500ml) cake flour
1 tsp (5ml) baking powder
pinch of salt

600ml milk
2 tbsp (30ml) cornstarch/cornflour
1 tbsp (15ml) cake flour
4 tbsp (60ml) sugar
3 eggs, separated
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp ground cinnamon, plus extra for dusting

Cream the butter and castor sugar until light and fluffy. Add the oil and egg and beat well. Mix in the flour, baking powder and salt to form a soft pastry. 
Press a thin layer of the pastry into a greased standard pie dish. Prick the bottom and bake at 180C for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool. 
For the filling, bring the milk to a boil (I added a cinnamon stick and bay leaf to mine). 
In the meantime, whisk together the cornstarch, flour, sugar, egg yolks, vanilla and cinnamon and a little of the milk to make a creamy paste. Pour the hot milk over the paste, whisking continuously then return to the heat and cook until thickened. 
Whisk the egg whites until stiff then whisk into the still-warm filling. 
Pour the mixture into the baked tart case and sprinkle with extra cinnamon. 

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