Vrydag 22 Junie 2018

new healthy secipe for quichec

250 ml flour
125 ml oats bran
3 tbsp margarine
1 egg
3 tsp ice cold water
1 tin beans (any white beans like chickpeas/butterbeans)
250 ml mixed vegetables (like baby marrow or peppers or broccoli or butternut or spinach or spring onion) grated or cut into small blocks
150g danish feta
10 ml paprika
3 eggs
100 ml low fat milk
150 ml plain yoghurt
salt and pepper
2 ml mustard
100ml mozzarella
5ml parmesan cheese


  1. preheat oven to 180C.
  2. combine the dry ingredients and rub the butter into the mixture. Make a well mixture
  3. mix the water and egg together and pour little into the well while mixing. roll the dough out on a floured surface until it is about 1 cm line a greased quiche pan wit the rolled out dough. blind bake for 10 min by lining the pan with baking paper and pouring dry beans on the top of the paper being careful that the beans do not touch the dough.
  4. remove the aper and beans after baking
  5. while blind baking the dough. mix together the filling ingredients 
  6. pour the filling into the quiche  pan and bake in oven for 20 min or until set
  7. enjoy
Tips and Hints
  • oat bran is a must in baking. By substituting some of the flour used in normal quiche recipes with some oats bran it adds to the Fibre content and lowers the Gi value of the base
  • beans are high on fibre and also assist in the lowering of the Gi quiche
  • serve with a mixed salad

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